Monday, October 12, 2015

Kashmri Youth Hit United Nations logically in AJK

youth group (YFO) has met with united nation representative in Muzaffarabad AJK and share their views about Kashmir issue. Kashmir youth is focused to make Kashmir a peaceful state 

#youth #youthforpeace #kashmiriyouth

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How Social Media Attract us (facts)

 Social Media and Networking

Social networking consists of a representation of each user and their social links to other users.
These social links take different forms being a ‘fan’, ‘friend’, ‘colleague’, ‘adding to a professional network’. 
Social network services provide a means for users to interact over the internet, with email like messages and instant messaging.
Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks, face book is the most popular example of Social networking.
Social networking is particularly effective for topics that consumers use on a regular or semi-regular basis because they occupy a solid presence in people's lives.
Social networks can be used to build stronger relationships with stakeholders, but only on issues with which users engage.

The value of social networking is not how many connections or ‘friends’ are accumulated, but the quality of these connections and how they help the project goals.
It is important not to regard social networking as an end in itself.
The ubiquitous nature of social networking sites means they are increasingly the platform into which new technologies are absorbed.
The relocation services of foursquare, the instant messaging of Microsoft Messenger, and Microblogging being drawn to some extent into the Facebook platform.
The large existing user base makes it difficult for the stand-alone services to compete. Similarly, the enormous user base should be considered as a large factor when deciding which social media tool to use.
Social Media risks
Once the social media aims have been clarified, the next step is to look at the potential risks.
Compared to other communications methodologies, social media can have a higher level of risk in some areas, and lower risks in other areas. Be aware of the unique risk profile associated with social media, and manage that risk accordingly.
·         Monitoring comments concerning an agency
Discussion of how to keep abreast of what is being said about key interests, and what is being said about an agency’s social media presence.

·         Moderation
The different ways in which user-created content can be handled.
·         Loss of Control over content
Explanation of the various risks arising from posting content on social media such as copyright issues and impersonators.
·         Security Risks
The security risks presented by social media.
·         Impersonations

The risks Social Media presents through individuals posing as an agency or government employee, whether or not they have a social media presence.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Muzaffarabad is now facing the kidnappings of Children

Two students from Model Science College Muzaffarabad AJK kidnapped in two days. College boy is kidnapped from Gillani Chwk Muzaffarabad,
SHO Arshad Habib is working on the case
We should motivate and prepared our children for any mishap. schools and colleges should arrange   Training for students to meet these situation.