Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lets Name substandred Private Schools as Company

Education is essential for every society and individual. The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. Education plays such a rudimentary role on our society that we cannot even imagine a life without it. Not only does, it help us develop healthy surroundings but it also generates an advance community.
Today I was travelling in local bus. Two females were traveling with me talking about the school, opened by one of them.
One of them said! Why are you opening your school at that place? We have already two schools in same street. You should open it somewhere else because u can have batter strength there.
Other replied! In market of clothes there are thousands shops, it doesn’t mean that they will stop their business.
I was thinking our education system is just a business. Anybody can start it at anywhere in market as that lady does.
These days if a person has some amount to invest them go for opening a school of their own that has the ‘private’ school’s tag which let it attract students and thus fees. There are such schools as well whose owners are not that much educated but have opened the schools for the reason that they had the sum required to put it into running state. They simply get a small house on rent and hire a few teachers and think that’s what is necessary to start a school.
My friend, who is dealing in admin of one of street school, told me that a teacher of science subject taught his students the wrong theory. And after few months he left the school and new teacher continue the subject. In annual exams when student answer that wrong theory in paper, teacher crossed it. His parents came to school with notebook that you guys taught wrong things to students, and then crossed it in exams. Principal give the excuse that the teacher who taught this is not with them anymore. New teacher didn't check what he taught she just crossed the answer and reward that student with extra marks. This is our standard of education.
These so called educational institutions lack the quality of education that a good private school should provide and in fact if you get a chance to observe students who come from these schools, you might not spot a difference between them and those students who study in government educational institutions. Rather government institutions’ students are much better than them.
Parents at their own level should get aware as to where they should send their children. We may not able to stop people doing that, but of course we can discourage them by not opting for those substandard schools. It is also worth mentioning here that some schools though don’t have big names are really working hard but their image is also getting spoiled by the rest of the schools that fall under their category
Government should take serious action about these areas of concern.

Because school is institute where student get knowledge, learn and progress not the company where they provide best service to get more profit.


  1. Finally somebody started talking on this... Good Job!

    1. we have to talk about we have to remove evils of society

  2. ''No power can save that country where education and health become a highly profitable business'' Nelson Mandela
    nice job keep it up
